When you should not use Ayurvedic smoking (dhoomrapaan)

Ayurvedic Dhomrapaan (dhoomra – smoke, paan – inhalation) is an excellent dosha pacifying Ayurvedic procedure. It has excellent effects in all kinds of vata and kapha disorders. It helps to relieve congestion and pain due to its heating effect. All classical Ayurvedic text prescribe daily use of medicated Ayurvedic smoking. However, there are certain conditions, when one must refrain from herbal smoking.

The following contra-indications are applicable to people of all prakrati type and all seasons.

The sutra to understand the contra-indications is that Dhomrapaaan or Ayurvedic smoking heats up the head region. This effect is very beneficial for vata and kapha dosha as both of them are cold in nature. However, smoking can aggravate vitiated pitta dosha. Therefore, smoking is contra-indicated in all conditions that might already have a possible pitta vitiation in the body.

For example, virechana or purgation is done to balance excess pitta dosha. If one is under-going purgation, it means that he must ne suffering from excess pitta dosha or body heat. In such a case, if he further heats up his body by smoking, then it might create complications.

Similarly, intoxicants like alcohol, hemp, etc. , different kinds of poisons, curd and honey increase the heat in the body. And if you smoke on top of that, you are bound to imbalance your pitta dosha or temperature regulation metabolism of the body.

Also, Ayurvedic smoking is prohibited in conditions where other dosha (vata and kapha) are low in proportion to pitta. In such conditions, pitta naturally encroaches on the weaker dosha and causes prakopa (excess heat in the body). For example, vata reduces after basti treatment, also body is in a delicate state of metabolism after any kind of panchkarma treatment. Therefore, here smoking can take away the left-over moisture in the body and increase pitta dosha.

Smoking is also prohibited in all delicate or unstable states of metabolism like pregnancy, physical trauma, fainting, dizziness, intoxication, and even anger!

Contra-indications of Ayurvedic smoking

  • immediately after virechana (Ayurvedic purgative activity)
  • immediately after basti (Ayurvedic enema)
  • patient of hemorrhagic disorders
  • person under the effect of any toxin
  • when sad/miserable
  • pregnant ladies
  • when extremely tired
  • when intoxicated (weed, marijuana, hemp etc.)
  • when suffering from Amadosha (internal toxin formed due to improper digestion)
  • when suffering from pitta vitiation
  • after a sleepless night/ when suffering from chronic insomnia
  • with feeling of fainting, dizziness, thirst
  • when suffering from Tuberculosis or degenerative respiratory disorders
  • physical trauma, lack of breathing
  • after consuming alcohol
  • after consuming milk
  • after drinking fats (snehapaan) like ghee, Ayurvedic oils etc.
  • after eating honey (with a meal)
  • after eating curd (with a meal)
  • person with excessive dryness in the body
  • when angry
  • with dryness/tingling in tongue
  • when suffering from Cataract.
  • with any kind of head injury
  • in Shankhaka (an incurable head disorder)
  • with diabetes
  • with alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Since Ayurvedic smoking is an integral part of Dinacharya( daily Ayurvedic regimen) and many treatment protocols. It is important to note conditions which are contra-indicated for smoking. This information can help you decide when to smoke and when to refrain even in your everyday routine.

I hope that this information brings the best of Ayurvedic smoke to all of you!

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti!

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